Posts Tagged dairy cows

Monday Moos









We are in the midst of a dairy cow and sheep farming community and are used to the cows grazing in the field behind us, so close sometimes it seems they are almost in the house with us.

However, one of the farmers has diversified and runs some luxury lodges for people wanting to spend a bit of time in the countryside and enjoy watching the livestock as they relax in the hot tub (the guests that is, not the livestock).

He thought he’d get some of these beauties in to add to the other beasties – we are also in horse racing stables country – and I walked the dogs up the road to have a closer look today,

There’s something about Highland cattle that make them so endearing.

Aren’t they handsome?

He did talk about getting some zebras but he may have been joking about that – although I think llamas might be on the cards.

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When The Cows Come Home

The cows are back in the field alongside our garden again.

Some are trying to help us keep the grass in check.

Some just find us fascinating.

This one was a bit shy at first

Although she did pose nicely for me between rubbing her head on our willow tree.

I love them but Stan’s not quite so sure.

Very distracting from our home office when this is the view…..

………and not only for us

But I can think of worse ones.



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